I-95 Norwalk Westport Project

What is the scope of this project?
The scope of ongoing State Project 102-295 includes safety improvements to 2 miles of I-95 from Exit 16 (Norwalk) to Exit 17 (Westport), including paving a concrete median barrier, shoulder reconstruction, pavement rehab, resurfacing and improvements to Bridge Numbers 61, 62, and 64. This project also includes the expansion of the existing ride-share lot located at 7 Hendricks Avenue in Norwalk adjacent to Interstate 95.
How much is the anticipated cost of the project?

The cost is anticipated at $104 million dollars.  Federal funds will cover 90% and the State is responsible for the remaining 10%.

Is the Yankee Doodle trail extension part of this project?  

Yes, the Yankee Doodle Trail extension has been included in this project.  The DOT will handle the construction oversight and the City of Norwalk is responsible for the 200,000 funding.

What is the duration of the project?

The project began June 14, 2022 and is anticipated to be completed summer 2025.

Who is the Contractor?

CTDOT has hired Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc for this project and the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 3 in New Haven will administer the project.

Will there be noise barriers erected along I-95 in Norwalk?

No. This project does not meet the criteria for a substantial improvement under the federal noise barrier criteria. Currently the State has no specific funding program for noise barriers.

The Department performs noise analyses on federally funded projects defined as “Type I” under 23 CFR 772.5 to determine if noise abatement is warranted, reasonable, and feasible as detailed in the Department’s Highway Traffic Noise Policy. Type I projects are those that would meet one or more of the following criteria:   

  1. Construction of a new highway  
  2. Substantial vertical or horizontal alteration of an existing highway 
  3. The addition of a through-traffic lane 
  4. The addition of an auxiliary lane in excess of 2,500′
  5. The addition or relocation of interchange lanes or ramps  
  6. Restriping existing pavement for the purpose of adding a through-traffic lane or an auxiliary lane in excess of 2,500′
  7. The addition or substantial alteration of a weigh station, rest stop, ride-share lot or toll plaza.

The scope of ongoing State Project 102-295 includes safety improvements to 2 miles of I-95 from Exit 61 (Norwalk) to Exit 17 (Westport), including paving a concrete median barrier, shoulder reconstruction, pavement rehab, resurfacing and improvements to Bridge Numbers 61, 62, and 64. This project also includes the expansion of the existing ride-share lot located at 7 Hendricks Avenue in Norwalk adjacent to Interstate 95. The expansion of this existing ride-share lot is not considered a substantial alteration, and therefore this project will not include a noise analysis. The Department defines a substantial alteration as at least halving the distance from the noise source to a noise-sensitive receptor, which in this case would be a residential home. This ride-share lot will not be expanded to the degree of a substantial alteration. If a Type I project does get proposed for your area a noise study will be performed and evaluated for noise abatement

Who can I speak to if I have a question or comment?

To communicate with the project team please submit a comment on the website or email us directly at [email protected].

Does a solid white lane line in the construction zone prohibit crossing to change lanes?
Solid white lines are between lanes of traffic that indicate you should stay in your lane unless a special situation requires you to change lanes. Source: CT DMV Driver Manual